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About Middle Class

What is a Middle Class? Well, there's different ways to interpret them based off your prefrence, but majority it defines about how much income you have with the type of living you are. A middle class is neither the upper class or the lower class levels and can range bewteen an average of $50,000 to $100,000 for a family or person considered as a "middle class". An image brought by CBS News explains more about how the "real" middle depending on each family.

There are more than 50% of people in the Middle Class that barely have enough to support themselves for their families and even from taxes. Of course there are people who may disagree--saying the rich pays more than enough-- but if you noticed how many people there are as a middle class, being a top percentage in class, then there is obiously some inequality in the amount of taxes paid and how Middle Class don't always get support. Middle class people have it harder to survive (comparing through the rich pov not poor class, yes I know poor has it rough too)due to being not "enough" to be poor for finacial help and not "enough" money to consider being rich. Middle classes pays the most taxes, then the rich, and then the poor. And not only how unfair it is is that nowadasy in order to get financial aid, you have to meet a certian monwy wage. But what if you live with many brothers and sisters and need financial aid to support your fmaily, but makes between $50,00-$100,00? Sometimes, if you are lucky, financial aid will cover, but majority it will not help the middle class people. It's not only myself that suffer from this, but many people accross the united states that suffer from this. Middle classes also paid the msot taxes for Obama care, in case, the rich forgot about it as majority of the people in the US are middle class.

